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After 2 news interviews on fraud you would think the authorities would be investigating further. Here are our recommendations for the best news apps (including news aggregators and news readers), so you can stay on top of information overload and never miss out on what’s important to you. Just wish his family the best and just grateful to have the fond memories here in Formula One forever. If you have examined your return, and to the best of your knowledge and belief all the statements on the form are true, correct, and complete, and there are errors you are unaware of, you could be charged with perjury. There is not an exception to this right when it comes to matters related to the Federal Income Tax. The AFP is the Australian Federal Police. After questions were raised concerning the fraudulent adoption of the 16th Amendment, a Federal Court of Appeals declared that this was a political question that should be decided by the U.S.

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If it was discovered that this was the truth, the ratification was a Fraud, then the United States Federal Government would have to shut down completely. What exactly should these People do when their government simply dismisses their grievances, as if they cannot hear them or even take the time to respond? The top board members are HSUS people. MusicMusic and sports are two things that have been linked with each other for years. Richards father Henry wanted to split his kingdom between his two sons, Richard and John. What is the Remedy for a Free Society of human beings when they have to deal with an obvious sanctioning of Fraud! Philander Knox, The United States Secretary of State in 1913, committed fraud when he made the declaration that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. There were thirty eight states that made up the Union in 1913. There are no legal documents proving that the majority of the 38 States had sanctioned the 16th Amendment that was presented to the states by U.S. There is no foundation for the payment of employment taxes on wages or salaries.

The trading of a humans Personal labor for wages or salaries is property and therefore does not fall under the term Taxable Income. The tax on the income of the people creates a gigantic slush fund that is used to fund their exorbitant salaries and premium benefits. We the People of the United States of America can no longer tolerate a lawless Government! Similar to a Monarchy or a Dictatorship, this Government acts as if the Law is not pertinent to them, they act as if they are above the Law! This clause has not been repealed and remains part of the Law. Therefore, any enforcement of the 16th amendment cannot clash with this clause. Article 1 Section 9 Clause 4 as part of the original Constitution issues a requirement that all direct taxes be distributed. The Government of the UNITED STATES makes its claim of authority for taxes on income based solely on the 16th Amendment. This is the spark that could light the flame of a legal rebellion against a Government that the people feel is acting in an oppressive manner. We The People have no obligation to accept an income tax that allows the government to force it’s citizens to surrender any Constitutional Rights. Data has been created by GSA Content Generator DEMO!

The only thing that stands between the people and a tyrannical Government is the Constitution. The Constitution clearly states that the people have a right to have their grievances addressed by their Government. Human Interest. These are the “my pet dog got lost and found his way home from 200 miles away” and “People who met on MySpace match for bone marrow transplant” type stories. This is not the way that America was founded. But it illustrates the mindset in a similar way to “The Secret” narrative video by CB, and the logo on a web book depicting a woman in a spotted gown which flows into a spotted big cat on a leash. Are you planning for a trip or the other way around? These are the compulsory and mandatory features in our current scenario hence we must go with all these features so that we can have the most updated . The Laws of the United States must be explicit in order to hold any legal validity. They securely hold the bird feeder in place yet make it easy to remove the feeder for cleaning and refilling with birdseed. BCR’s practices and death records do not make it an ethical or successful caretaker of wildlife.

Several states did not even bother to make a response to the 16thAmendment proposal, according to Constitutional scholars and other various legal organizations throughout the country. Any time a taxpayer applies a signature to a tax return, he/she has voluntarily waived their 5thAmendment Constitutional Right to not be a witness against oneself. Statement On Tax Return Requiring Your Signature. The same Amendment is cited to also coerce the People to have a tax return filed and to also pay the Income Tax. It is a well known fact that the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice can and will use a Citizen’s Tax return to commence and investigate both civil and criminal prosecutions against the people. Therefore signing and filing a Tax Return would be a voluntary waiver of your Rights which you acquire by the fact of your birth. This would mean that the filing of a Tax return is a voluntary act and a citizen cannot be forced to file a return! Even in the Governments very own accounting procedures within the Tax Code as well as decisions given through the Courts. If a country is having elections and you are covering it, it is absolutely suicidal to go off for even five minutes because many people are following the elections and they want to know exactly how proceedings go.